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What You Need to Know About Natural Delivery

Birthing is of two kinds – a vaginal birth or Caesarean. When it comes to vaginal birth, we often use the terms ‘normal delivery’ and ‘natural birthing’ interchangeably, but the terms have specific meanings.
A ‘natural birth’ is one wherein the mother goes into labour, progresses on her own, and the delivery process takes place without any form of medical intervention. This means no administration of epidural or painkillers, no use of medicines to induce labour, or use of means like episiotomy (a cut in the area between the vagina and anus during childbirth to help the child emerge easily) or use of instruments to deliver the baby.
Hence, it is only after the baby is fully delivered that we can even confirm whether it was a ‘natural birth’. At any point, if the patient insists that she wants painkillers, or if there is a strong medical need that necessitates an intervention (even if it is minimal), we will refer to it as a ‘normal delivery’.
There is now greater awareness about birthing practices and more and more people are exploring the option of a vaginal birth. In recent years, we have had several couples enquiring about natural birth as well. This article will cover all the key information you need to know about natural birthing.

Not having a natural birth does not make the experience any less wonderful: At BloomLife Hospital, we are strong proponents of natural birthing, but we also believe that all forms of delivery – vaginal or C-section – give rise to one of the most beautiful experiences life can offer. Carrying and then giving birth to a child is a miracle in itself – so don’t beat yourself up if you did not have a natural birth. All that matters is yours and your baby’s health and safety, and any means that accomplishes it is worthwhile.

Preparing for a natural birth begins before you conceive: This is a crucial point that all couples who are planning to expand their family should keep in mind. With changes in lifestyle, eating habits and work patterns, our bodies have also changed. We see an increase in obesity, a dip in essential vitamins and micro-nutrients, and overall lack of flexibility and fitness. When we start preparing from a natural birth from Day 0, we focus on the woman’s diet, fitness and health markers, as well as mental preparedness and management techniques, so that she is full prepped and ready when the time arrives. 

Emotional preparation is as important as physical preparation: Emotional preparedness is necessary for the mother to have a positive birthing experience. Moreover, many women who opt for natural birthing are scared about the pain they will have to face during delivery. This fear gives rise to tension in the body, which in turn increase the feeling of pain. The feeling of pain further increases the sense of fear, which causes the cycle to repeat itself. When the woman is emotionally prepared and stable, she can handle the tension calmly. This helps her go through the process of delivery and manage the pain of labour without letting it overwhelm her completely. Ante-natal preparatory classes play an essential role in helping a woman to become physically and emotionally prepared for a natural birth.

Pregnancy and delivery is also a father’s journey: Right from the time of planning and conception, a father has an equal role to play in the pregnancy journey. From helping the mother to maintain good health and fitness to helping her through emotional highs and lows, the father plays an essential role in ensuring both the mother’s and baby’s well-being. Furthermore, the spouse’s support is invaluable for a woman, especially during labour – which is why we always encourage them to be present during delivery (unless there are medical restrictions). This is also the best way for a father to start bonding with the baby.

Pain management during labour: Many women worry about how they are going to handle the pain that comes with birthing. Here are some important aspects that you need to know about pain management techniques:

Prior preparation: Keeping yourself fit, healthy and supple will help to make your body adapt to the birthing process more easily. In particular, ante-natal birthing exercises will help to expand the pelvis so that the birthing process is easier (than with a narrow pelvis). When the mother is calm and emotionally stable, she is able to better handle the bodily changes without getting too anxious – which, in turn, helps relax the muscles, thereby reducing the sensation of pain.

Hot water baths and massages: The use of a hot water bath is helpful in relaxing the muscles and lowering the pain. It also provides a soothing, comforting feeling for many women. We also suggest the use of hot oil massages for relieving back pain and overall relaxation. 

Emotional support: A delivery is not a linear process – there are many peaks and troughs and a woman needs strong emotional support during the low moments. Having midwives or doulas as part of the birthing team, along with the doctors, helps to address this need. This is also one of the reasons we strongly encourage husbands to be part of the birthing process – their participation helps to give the woman a great sense of motivation and support, and increases the bonding between partners and, later, with the newborn.

Medical options: It is important to first understand that every person has a different pain threshold – and, despite best efforts, some women may not be able to handle the pain. In such cases, they can definitely ask the doctor about taking epidural to numb the body and significantly reduce the pain. While use of epidural will mean it is no longer considered a ‘natural birth’, it is important to bear in mind that the choice is to be made by the woman (in consultation with her doctor).

Your experience, be it for the first pregnancy or as a person going through VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section), will be unique to you and should be approached with an open mind. More than the mode of delivery, the ultimate aim is to have a healthy and safe delivery, wherein the well-being of the mother and the baby are given highest priority – and we are here to help you with that.

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What You Need to Know About Natural Delivery