Patient Handbook


  • Please get the Doctor’s or Duty Medical Officer’s recommendation for admission (written and signed on the official prescription pad) – this is mandatory for the patient’s admission.
  • For maternity and delivery admission, pre-registration is required – please make the booking at least 1 week prior to the given date of admission.
  • Please provide all required details (date of admission, doctor’s name, procedure, and preferred class of accommodation) at the admission counter.
  • You may be required to pay an advance in case of a planned surgery or maternity, so please be prepared for the same. Payment made be made by cash, credit or debit cards. Reservation deposits are non-transferable.
  • On the date of admission, you will receive an intimation call from the admission desk. (If you do not receive the call, please report the same to the Guest Relations Officer.)
  • The maximum time limit for day care admission is 8 hours – after this, the patient will be discharged or their admission will be extended (if deemed necessary).
  • Bed charges are billed at the end of each day.
  • Upgrading or downgrading of bed categories / class of accommodation will be based on requirement and availability.
  • If the patient were to be shifted to the ICU, the existing room has to be vacated. (If it is a single occupancy room or in a higher category, a request may be made for holding the room, subject to availability).
reception of BloomLife Hospital

Room Categories

Room Type


Extras (Charged Additionally)

General Ward

  • Centralised AC

  • 24*7 Nurses care 

  • Food and beverages

  • 1 litre water bottle (two times)

  • Chair for attender

  • Sanitary kit

  • Common bathroom

  • Screen partitions between beds

  • Medicine trolley / Small cupboard for personal items

  • Nurses calling bell facility for all beds

  • Oxygen panel with electrical plug points for all beds

  • Portable medical equipment, like nebuliser and suction available (if needed)

  • Baby cradle (only for delivered mothers)

  • Baby bed given as gift (only for delivered mothers)

  • Common intercom phone

  • DMO fees

  • Consultant(s) fees

  • Radiology

  • Lab investigations

  • Pharmacy – drugs and disposables

  • OT charges and instruments

  • Procedure charges

  • Labour room charges

  • Post operative care

  • ICU / NICU charges and instruments

  • O2 / neb charges

  • CSSD

  • MRD

  • Admin charges

  • COVID kit

  • Anaesthesia charges

Triple Sharing

  • Centralised AC

  • 24*7 Nurses care

  • Food and beverages

  • 1 litre water bottle (two times)

  • Recliner chair for attender  

  • Sanitary kit

  • Common bathroom

  • Screen partitions between beds

  • Medicine trolley / Small cupboard for personal items

  • Nurses calling bell facility for all beds

  • Oxygen panel with electrical plug points for all beds

  • Portable medical equipment, like nebuliser and suction available (if needed). 

  • Baby cradle (only for delivered mothers)

  • Baby bed given as gift (only for delivered mothers)

  • Common intercom phone

  • DMO fees

  • Consultant(s) fees

  • Radiology

  • Lab investigations

  • Pharmacy – drugs and disposables

  • OT charges and instruments

  • Procedure charges

  • Labour room charges

  • Post operative care

  • ICU / NICU charges and instruments

  • O2 / neb charges

  • CSSD

  • MRD,

  • Admin charges

  • COVID kit

  • Anaesthesia charges

Executive Private Room

  • AC

  • 24*7 Nurses care

  • Food and Beverages

  • 1 litre water bottle (two times)

  • Admission kit

  • Newspaper

  • TV

  • Chair and cot for attender

  • Private bathroom with water heater

  • Storage cupboard

  • Medicine trolley

  • Food trolley

  • Intercom phone and calling bell for nurses station

  • Charging point for mobile phone

  • Medical equipment like nebuliser and suction fitted in room

  • Born Baby Gift and Baby bed as gift (for delivered mothers only)

  • Baby photo and one framed photo as gift (for delivered mothers only)

  • DMO fees

  • Consultant(s) fees

  • Radiology

  • Lab investigations

  • Pharmacy – drugs and disposables

  • OT charges and instruments

  • Procedure charges

  • Labour room charges

  • Post operative care

  • ICU / NICU charges and instruments

  • O2 / neb charges

  • CSSD

  • MRD

  • Admin charges

  • COVID kit

  • Anaesthesia charges

Deluxe Room

  • AC

  • 24*7 Nurses care

  • Food and Beverages

  • 1 litre water bottle (two times)

  • Admission kit

  • Newspaper

  • TV

  • Sofa and cot for attender

  • Private bathroom with water heater

  • Storage cupboard

  • Medicine trolley

  • Food trolley

  • Intercom phone and calling bell for nurses station

  • Charging point for mobile phone

  • Medical equipment like nebuliser and suction fitted in room

  • Born Baby Gift and Baby bed as gift (for delivered mothers only)

  • Baby photo and one framed photo as gift (for delivered mothers only)

  • DMO fees

  • Consultant(s) fees

  • Radiology

  • Lab investigations

  • Pharmacy – drugs and disposables

  • OT charges and instruments

  • Procedure charges

  • Labour room charges

  • Post operative care

  • ICU / NICU charges and instruments

  • O2 / neb charges

  • CSSD

  • MRD

  • Admin charges

  • COVID kit

  • Anaesthesia charges

Suite Room

  • AC

  • 24*7 Nurses care

  • Food and Beverages

  • 1 litre water bottle (two times)

  • Admission kit

  • Newspaper

  • Living room and patient room

  • Fridge, oven and kettle

  • Separate TVs for patient and attender

  • Chair, cot and sofa for attender

  • Work table and chair

  • Private bathroom with water heater

  • Cupboards for personal items

  • Intercom phone and calling bell to nurses station

  • Charging point for mobile phone

  • 2 hand towels

  • 2 big towels

  • Tissue box (one box) 

  • Medical equipment, like nebuliser and suction fitted in room; 

  • Born Baby Gift and Baby bed as gift (for delivered mothers only)

  • Baby photo and one framed photo as gift (for delivered mothers only)

  • DMO fees

  • Consultant(s) fees

  • Radiology

  • Lab investigations

  • Pharmacy – drugs and disposables

  • OT charges and instruments

  • Procedure charges

  • Labour room charges

  • Post operative care

  • ICU / NICU charges and instruments

  • O2 / neb charges

  • CSSD

  • MRD

  • Admin charges

  • COVID kit

  • Anaesthesia charges



The billing counter will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. All your queries with regard to billing will be cleared by the staff at the counter. Please take note of the following points to help us make the process an easy and effective one for you.
  • When a consultant advises discharge of the patient, it will take some time to prepare the final bill and discharge slip. As soon as the final bill is ready, you will be called to the Billing Counter to clear the bill.
  • Payments are to be made in advance. Whenever an intimation for advance deposit is given to you, please clear the same.
  • All payments are to be made in cash, or through credit or debit card. There are no credit facilities for patients’ bill payments.
  • For any problem regarding billing, please request to speak with the Head of the Department
billing section of BloomLife Hospital
Please note: Billing queries and disputes need to be raised within 30 days after discharge – any query raised after 30 days shall not be entertained. For queries on billing redressal, please call +91-44-4000009 (9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for inpatients | 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. for discharged patients).

Personal & Corporate Insurance

We are empanelled with the following TPAs (Third Party Administrator) to provide insurance
  • Heritage Health TPA (P) Ltd
  • Star Health Insurance
  • United Healthcare Insurance TPA
  • Family Health Plan Limited
  • Medi Assist TPA Services
  • Apollo Munich Health Insurance
  • Good Health Plan TPA 
  • HDFC Ergo General Insurance
  • Medsave Health Insurance TPA
  • MD India TPA Pvt Ltd
  • Medicare TPA Services
  • Vidal Health TPA Services
  • Vipul Med Corp
  • Max Bupa Health Insurance
  • Aditya Birla Health Insurance
  • Alankit Health TPA Private Ltd
  • DHFL Health Insurance
  • Royal Sundaram Health Insurance
  • Liberty Videocon Insurance
  • Dedicated Health TPA
  • ICICI Lombard General Insurance
  • Health India TPA
  • Cholamandalam Health Insurance
  • Reliance Health Insurance
  • Acko General Insurance
  • Religare Health Insurance

Govt. Schemes


Corporates on panel

  • Access 2 Healthcare
  • Mindtree
  • DTCC Corporate
  • Religare OP Health check-up
BloomLife Hospital has been empanelled by various corporates and businesses as a healthcare service provider for their employees. As active partners, we furnish a wide range of insurance options for their employees with minimal formalities during admission. If you wish to bring us on board as your corporate healthcare provider, please contact us at +91 9176596444 or email us at



To ensure that patients and their attenders / families receive the requisite information and education about their healthcare needs in a language and manner that is understood by them.


The scope of this document is applicable to all concerned healthcare and staff (including management) at BloomLife Hospital.


The information provided will be specific to the patient’s relevant healthcare needs, and will be delivered via methods understandable to the patient and their attender / family. The patient and their attenders / family will be educated on the following aspects:

  • Estimated cost of treatment
  • Insurance status and maximum claim details  
  • Financial implications when there is a change in the patient condition or treatment setting
  • Visitors policy 
  • Discharge instructions

As and when deemed appropriate, the patient and their attenders / family will be educated on the following aspects:

  • Safe and effective use of medication and the potential side effects of the medication prescribed 
  • Potential food-drug interactions
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Immunisations / vaccinations
  • Disease-specific process, complications and prevention strategies
  • Prevention of infections
  • When and how to obtain further treatment, if needed

Education shall be provided in a manner that:

  • Facilitates the patient’s and attender’s / family members’ understanding of the patient’s condition and treatment options
  • It is delivered in a timely, efficient, caring and respectful manner.
  • Facilitates participation in decision-making about healthcare options
  • Enhances the patient and family member’s role in continuing care and promoting a healthy lifestyle
  • Include use of resources (including brochures and printed materials) based on need


  • Right to information in a language understood by the patient and attenders / family, about the patient’s healthcare needs and expected cost of treatment
  • Right to be well informed about the illness, possible treatments, likely and possible unexpected outcomes 
  • Right to discuss the above-mentioned information with the doctor
  • Right to know the names and roles of the doctors and healthcare staff treating the patient
  • Right to personal dignity and privacy during examination, procedures and treatment
  • Right to protection from physical abuse and neglect
  • Right to accept / refuse the treatment.
  • Right to be fully informed of the possible consequence of refusal to accept treatment without reprisal
  • Right to informed consent before any procedure / surgery / treatment
  • Right to confidentiality of healthcare information and health records
  • Right to access and review one’s own medical records and to have the information explained as needed, except when restricted by law
  • Right to express complaints or grievances and to get them redressed appropriately
  • Right to be respected for spiritual and cultural needs and limitations
  • Right to be treated in a safe, secure and healthy environment


  • Provide correct, truthful medical history and personal details 
  • Follow the prescribed treatment plan
  • Communicate to the doctor when the information given is not understood, if treatment given is not acceptable or if considering alternative forms of treatment / therapy
  • Inform the authorities if the patient’s condition worsens or does not follow expected course
  • Attend follow up appointments as requested
  • Pay for services received, in a timely manner and as per the hospital’s policies
  • Accept the measures taken by hospital to ensure privacy and confidentiality of medical records
  • Keep the hospital’s premises clean and tidy and follow the rules of the hospital 
  • Respect the emergency needs of other patients and understand the provision for priority care
  • Avoid speaking loudly an use of abuse language 
  • Respect silent zones, refrain from smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Conserve energy and water
  • Abide by the hospital’s policies rules and regulations
  • Treat doctors, staff members and other patients with empathy, respect and care

List of Important Contact Numbers

Ambulance Service: +91-92929 99292
Casualty / Emergency: +91-9292 99 9292
Out-Patient (OP) Appointments: 044 4000 0009 / +91 94989 94989

Ante-natal / Birth preparation classes

Media / PR: +91-97866 86889
HR / Job Listings: +91-72999 11242
You can also email us at 


Patients need a calm, peaceful and infection-free environment in which to recover. Therefore, to prevent patient rooms and wards from becoming overcrowded and noisy, our hospital has instituted this Visitors Policy. 

General Visitor Information:

We seek your utmost cooperation in ensuring the patients’ safe and comfortable stay. To help

us achieve us, kindly abide by the following guidelines:

  • Please wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser before and after visiting a patient.
  • Please avoid visiting patients if you have a fever, cough, cold or any other contagious ailments.
  • Children aged 12 or less are not encouraged to visit the patients in the hospital due to their relatively low immunity.
  • If visiting a patient in the ICU, visitors need to put on the hospital gown and change their footwear (or wear shoe covers) before entering the ICU. The staff may share additional instructions that visitors must abide by.
  • To respect the privacy of our patients, visitors and staff are not allowed to take photographs, or make audio or video recordings within the hospital premises. If such recordings are detected, BloomLife Hospital reserves the right to request for such recordings to be deleted.
  • Tipping is prohibited in our hospital. As a service organisation, we wish to extend every courtesy to all our patients – and urge all attenders and visitors to avoid tipping the staff. All our employees have been instructed not to accept any tips in kind or cash.
  • The hospital is a No Smoking Zone. Smoking or consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited – anyone caught engaging in these acts will be liable to disciplinary action.
  • Visitors are requested to avoid making noise or speaking loudly, so as to ensure that other patients and attenders are not disturbed.

Visitor and Attender Policy for OP (out-patients)

  • Only one attender may accompany the patient for all regular appointments (including OBGYN).
  • For paediatric appointments, two attenders may accompany the infant / child for the Appointment.
  • Patients and attenders are to wait for their appointment in the OPD area only. Entry to Casualty or other departments is strictly restricted.
  • Attenders accompanying patients who are admitted to Casualty are to wait outside the Casualty ward. For any queries, they may approach the nurse-in-charge or Front Desk staff.

Visitors and Attender Policy for IP (in-patients)

  • Visiting hours for wards / rooms / suites are from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 4 to 6 p.m. Visitors who come at other times will not be permitted to visit or contact the patient.
  • Visiting hours for the ICU are from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 4 to 5 p.m. Only one visitors will be allowed to step inside the ICU at one time to visit the patient. Visitors who come at other times will not be permitted to visit or contact the patient. Children below 12 years of age are strictly prohibited from entering the ICU.
  • For emergency visits outside of the visiting hours, please contact +91-72999 11150\Passes for attenders and Visitors.
  • One attender must accompany the patient. Attender must be above 18 years of age.
  • Attender pass will be issued by the Admissions Desk after confirmation of admission.
  • Attender and visitor passes may be checked by security personnel whenever necessary – attender and visitors are requested to cooperate and produce their pass during such checks. Anyone seen to be visiting the wards or rooms without a pass will be liable for disciplinary action.
  • One attender pass will be issued for sharing room admission. (No beds are provided in the sharing room – a chair is placed near the patient’s bed for the attender.) 
  • Visitors passes are not usually issued for sharing rooms – for special requests, please contact +91-72999 11150.
  • One attender pass and one visitor pass will be issued for single / deluxe rooms admissions.
  • Two attender passes and one visitor pass will be issued for suite room admissions.\One attender has to be in the suite at all times, while the other may step out (with a reliever’s yellow pass as needed).
  • Visitors will be given a pink pass. Two visitors may be allowed at one time. Others may wait in waiting area till the others come out.

For NRIs / International Patients

We offer world-class facilities, infrastructure and treatment at affordable prices for overseas patients. 

  • Well skilled and qualified doctors and nurses. 
  • Personalised hospitality programme offered to help patients enjoy a smooth and hassle-free stay.
  • All major credit cards are accepted, and money transfer facilities are also available.
  • Booking of flights, hotels / serviced apartments and car transfers can be arranged, based on the patient requirements and budgets. 
  • Specially appointed coordinators will be available to assist the patient through their stay.
  • Nursing care will be provided at the place of stay (for administering injections).
  • Diet and hygienic food provided for patient. Food can be arranged for the attender as needed. 

Foreign nationals and NRIs will be required to produce their original passport and visa / PIO or OCI cards at the admission counter. If you need any specific information, please call our International Desk at +91-97909 81424 ,+91-97866 86889 or email us at

Dr. Kavitha Gautham,

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), FICOG, FIMSA – Head of the Department & Senior Consultant

Dr. Kavitha Gautham is a leading figure in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, and reproductive medicine, with a distinguished career marked by excellence and compassion. She holds an MBBS from Annamalai University, an MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Deemed University, and a Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from University Schleswing-Holstein, Germany. As the Founder & Director of Bloom Fertility Centre & Bloom Birthing Centre and Medical Director of Bloom Fertility & Healthcare, Dr. Kavitha spearheads initiatives aimed at providing personalized and holistic care to patients.

With several years of expertise in gynaecological laparoscopy surgery, she has performed (approx.) 10,000 deliveries, 10,000 hystero-laparoscopy surgeries, and more than 5,000 IVF cycles to date. She is a Life Member of the European Society of Reproductive Medicine & Indian Society of Reproductive Medicine, All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Obstetric and Gynaecological Society of Southern India, Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India, and the Indian Medical Association. She is a Fellow from the Indian College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and International Medical Science Academy, and FIMSA.

Dr. Kavitha has been the recipient of several awards, including the prestigious J.L. Javeri Award (AICOG, 2005), Excellence in Healthcare – Infertility & IVF Treatments award (The Chennai City ICON Awards, 2019), WONDER FOGSIAN award (FOGSI, 2019). Additionally, she was the first doctor in South India to successfully conduct a water birth in a VBAC case.

Dr. Kavitha has also presented research papers at prestigious conferences including ISAR and IMSACON and has been published in esteemed journals such as the ‘Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research’. Her commitment to public service is evident through initiatives such as conducting health camps in collaboration with organizations like the SMILE Foundation and raising awareness about reproductive health through appearances on radio and TV shows.

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Dr. C. Dheepa,

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) – Consultant

Dr. Dheepa comes with a diverse background in obstetrics, gynecology, paediatric surgery and general surgery. With a Master of Surgery (MS) in Obstetrics & Gynecology from the Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science, Pondicherry, and an MBBS from Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital, Dr. Dheepa has consistently showcased excellence in academic and professional endeavors. She has gained expertise in various areas including antenatal care, intrapartum care, postpartum care, pelvic pain, menstrual abnormalities, and laparoscopic surgeries. Committed to advancing medical knowledge, Dr. Dheepa has also presented papers and conducted research, contributing significantly to the field.

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Dr. Niveditha G.R,

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) – Registrar

Dr. Nivedhita is a skilled obstetrician and gynecologist, holding an MBBS from Madras Medical College, Chennai and an MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) from Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai. She has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Egmore, Chennai, since 2022, and contributes to education and clinical practice. With a passion for research, Dr. Nivedhita has also conducted a significant observational study on thrombocytopenia in pregnancy, and actively participates in academic events and conferences. Proficient in Tamil and English, Dr. Nivedhita excels in patient communication and counselling. Her clinical interests span high-risk obstetrics, infertility, and minimally invasive surgery, ensuring comprehensive care for patients.

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Dr. Kousica M.,

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine – Consultant

Dr. Kousica is a distinguished obstetrician and gynecologist with a passion for research and patient care. After graduating with an MMBS from Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, in 2017, Dr. Kousica pursued advanced studies, earning an M.S in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital in 2022. Complementing this expertise was a Diploma and Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) from World Laparoscopy Hospital, Delhi. With a focus on advancing medical knowledge, Dr. M. Kousica has authored impactful publications, including papers on pre-eclampsia and rare genetic disorders, published in renowned journals. She has also presented findings on infertility and reproductive health at prestigious conferences, contributing to the global discourse on women’s health. Currently specializing in infertility, Dr. Kousica is dedicated to providing compassionate care and innovative solutions to patients.

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Dr. Revathi V.,

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine – Registrar

Dr. Revathi is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist with a rich academic background and extensive clinical experience. She holds an MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, and has pursued specialised training in diagnostic ultrasound imaging from Selvi School of Sonology and reproductive medicine from Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Women’s Health, MMM Hospital. With a passion for research, Dr. Revathi has contributed significantly to scientific literature with publications in prestigious journals and presentations at national conferences. She actively engages in community health initiatives, participating in rural health camps in Chengalpattu and providing free gynecological services in Karaikudi. Her expertise extends to surgical techniques, obstetric emergencies, and patient counseling. Dr. Revathi is also a life member of FOGSI and ISAR.

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Dr. Kavitha Gautham

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), FICOG, FIMSA – Head of the Department & Senior Consultant

Dr. Kavitha Gautham holds an MBBS from Annamalai University, an MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Deemed University, and a Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from University Schleswing-Holstein, Germany.

As the Founder & Director of Bloom Fertility Centre & Bloom Birthing Centre and Medical Director of Bloom Fertility & Healthcare, Dr. Kavitha spearheads initiatives aimed at providing personalized and holistic care to patients.

With several years of expertise in gynaecological laparoscopy surgery, she has performed (approx.) 10,000 deliveries, 10,000 hystero-laparoscopy surgeries, and more than 5,000 IVF cycles to date. She is a Life Member of the European Society of Reproductive Medicine & Indian Society of Reproductive Medicine, All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Obstetric and Gynaecological Society of Southern India, Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India, and the Indian Medical Association. She is a Fellow from the Indian College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and International Medical Science Academy, and FIMSA.

Dr. Kavitha has been the recipient of several awards, including the prestigious J.L. Javeri Award (AICOG, 2005), Excellence in Healthcare – Infertility & IVF Treatments award (The Chennai City ICON Awards, 2019), WONDER FOGSIAN award (FOGSI, 2019).

Dr. Kavitha has also presented research papers at prestigious conferences including ISAR and IMSACON and has been published in esteemed journals such as the ‘Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research’.

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Dr. Aravind Ravichandran

MBBS, MD, DNB, MCE (AUS), PDF (Reproductive Medicine) – Consultant

Dr. Aravind Ravichandran is as a distinguished fertility specialist, bearing credentials from renowned institutions such as Christian Medical College and Monash University. He is well known for his expertise spanning reproductive endocrinology, ART planning, and gynecological surgeries. His commitment to advancing knowledge is seen through presentations at international conferences like ESHRE and Kolhapur Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society, where he’s delved into topics such as DNA repair gene expression and dietary patterns' impact on ART outcomes. He also serves as faculty at the Oasis School of Embryology. Dr. Aravind has been honoured with several prestigious accolades, including Sri T. Rajagopal Memorial Endowment and Dr. R.E.S. Muthiah Memorial Gold Medal. His publications in journals such as the Human Reproduction Open and Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics underscore his dedication to research. Dr. Aravind interests also include areas such as male infertility and onco-fertility.

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Dr. Revathi V

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine – Registrar

Dr. Revathi is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist with a rich academic background and extensive clinical experience. She holds an MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, and has pursued specialised training in diagnostic ultrasound imaging from Selvi School of Sonology and reproductive medicine from Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Women’s Health, MMM Hospital. With a passion for research, Dr. Revathi has contributed significantly to scientific literature with publications in prestigious journals and presentations at national conferences. She actively engages in community health initiatives, participating in rural health camps in Chengalpattu and providing free gynecological services in Karaikudi. Her expertise extends to surgical techniques, obstetric emergencies, and patient counseling. Dr. Revathi is also a life member of FOGSI and ISAR.

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Dr. Kousica M

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine – Consultant

After graduating with an MMBS from Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, in 2017, Dr. Kousica pursued advanced studies, earning an M.S in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital in 2022. Complementing this expertise was a Diploma and Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) from World Laparoscopy Hospital, Delhi. With a focus on advancing medical knowledge, Dr. M. Kousica has authored impactful publications, including papers on pre-eclampsia and rare genetic disorders, published in renowned journals. She has also presented findings on infertility and reproductive health at prestigious conferences, contributing to the global discourse on women’s health. Currently specializing in infertility, Dr. Kousica is dedicated to providing compassionate care and innovative solutions to patients.

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Dr. Arun Ganesh C

MD (Paediatrics) – Consultant

Dr. Arun Ganesh is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine specialist, with a STEP Fellowship and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, in addition to an MD in Pediatrics and MBBS. He is skilled in various pediatric emergency procedures, including intubation, venipuncture, and neonatal resuscitation. With extensive experience across esteemed institutions such as Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute and Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital, he has demonstrated a commitment to excellence in academic and professional pursuits. Dr. Arun Ganesh’s dedication to advancing medical knowledge is evident through numerous paper and poster presentations at national and international conferences, as well as publications in renowned journals. He is also a certified instructor in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Neonatal Advanced Life Support (NALS).

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Dr. Rufina J

MBBS, MD (Paediatrics) – Consultant

Dr. Rufina. J is a compassionate pediatrician dedicated to providing comprehensive care for children's health and well-being at BloomLife Hospital. She is equipped with a solid foundation in pediatric medicine, holding an MD in Pediatrics from Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE), Chettinad University, and an MBBS from Sri Muthukumaram Medical College and Research Institute, Tamilnadu MGR University. Driven by zeal for teaching and research, Dr. Rufina has completed advanced courses in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Basic Neonatal Resuscitation. Her work experience spans from caring for children with minor illnesses to training in specialised areas like Pediatric Pulmonology, Nutrition, and Pediatric Neurology. She has also contributed to pediatric research with a dissertation on the utility of Lung Ultrasound in diagnosing pneumonia, published in the Journal of Neonatology – with findings on pediatric illnesses at national conferences, showcasing her resolve to advancing pediatric medicine.

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Dr. Selvendran Chelladurai

MD (Paediatrics), FNNF – Consultant

Dr. Selvendran Chelladurai is a dedicated Pediatrician and Neonatologist with extensive clinical knowledge and procedural skills. With a commitment to providing high-quality care, Dr. Selvendran aspires to contribute to the growth of organizations while working in challenging environments. During his tenure as an NNF Fellow in Neonatology at Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Chennai, he gained comprehensive experience in resuscitation, various procedures, ventilation strategies, and developmental supportive care for high-risk deliveries. He has also excelled in handling metabolic diseases and providing counselling to caregivers. Dr. Selvendran has contributed to the medical literature with publications like International Journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR) and International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, on topics like accidental levothyroxine poisoning and chikungunya in infants. He has also presented at prestigious conferences and seminars like NEOCORE and PAEDNATCON, showcasing their expertise and commitment to advancing pediatric medicine.

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Dr. Sayed Asarudeen H

MBBS, MD (Paediatrics) – Consultant

Dr. Sayed Asarudeen is a skilled pediatrician with expertise in mechanical ventilation, central line insertion, chest tube insertion, and parental nutrition. With fluency in English, Tamil, Bengali, and Hindi, he ensures effective communication with diverse patient populations. Having served as a Senior Resident at NICY, Department of Pediatrics, District Hospital, Kolkata, Dr. Sayed gained invaluable experience in neonatology. He furthered his expertise through a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Neonatology at Rainbow Children Hospital, Chennai, and National Neonatal Forum (NNF).

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Dr. Sayed Asarudeen H

MBBS, MD (Paediatrics) – Consultant

Dr. Sayed Asarudeen is a skilled pediatrician with expertise in mechanical ventilation, central line insertion, chest tube insertion, and parental nutrition. With fluency in English, Tamil, Bengali, and Hindi, he ensures effective communication with diverse patient populations. Having served as a Senior Resident at NICY, Department of Pediatrics, District Hospital, Kolkata, Dr. Sayed gained invaluable experience in neonatology. He furthered his expertise through a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Neonatology at Rainbow Children Hospital, Chennai, and National Neonatal Forum (NNF).

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Dr. Chittaranjan K

MS (Orthopaedics) – Head of the Department & Senior Consultant

Dr. Chittaranjan is a dedicated orthopedic surgeon, with an MBBS from Rajah Muthaiah Medical College & Hospital, followed by a Post Graduate Degree MS in Orthopedics from Madurai Medical College. Dr. Chittaranjan has been at the forefront of orthopedic care in India, with a notable career spanning prestigious institutions such as MAPIMS, MGIMSR, PSG Hospitals, and SRM Medical College. He has also served as an Associate Professor and Chief Orthopedic Consultant, contributing significantly to academic and clinical advancements.

In addition to being an accomplished researcher, with several papers presented at renowned conferences like TNOACON and OASISCON, his expertise encompasses a wide array of orthopedic procedures, including arthroscopy, joint replacement, spine, and trauma surgeries. Currently, Dr. Chittaranjan is engaged in ongoing research projects focused on innovations in fracture management, regenerative orthopedics, and tissue engineering for cartilage and meniscus regeneration.

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Dr. Harun Kumar R

MBBS, MD (Orthopaedics), DNB (Orthopaedics) – Consultant

Dr. Harun Kumar is a skilled orthopedic surgeon who holds an MBBS from SRM Medical College, an MD Ortho from PSG Institute of Medical Science, and a DNB in Orthopaedic Surgery from BIRRD. With membership in the Indian Medical Association and Tamil Nadu Medical Council registration, Dr. Arun maintains high professional standards. Having served as a Junior Resident at MAPIMS and currently as a Senior Resident at ACS Medical College, he possesses expertise in trauma cases, hip joint fractures, amputations, and closed nailing procedures.

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Dr. Swarna Ganesan

BNYS, FRM, CCCE, Internationally Certified Childbirth Educator, Internationally Certified Labour Doula – Consultant

Dr. Swarna Ganesan is an AYUSH physician, with a Bachelors of Naturopathy and Yogic sciences from Dr. MGR Medical University, Tamil Nadu. She is a registered holistic health practitioner for naturopathy and yoga under CCRYN (central council of research in naturopathy and yoga), Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. Dr. Swarna completed her fellowship in clinical research under the National Institute of Naturopathy), Pune, and worked as Research Officer, Principal Investigator for 14 research projects corresponding to yoga and normal delivery practices, PCOD and other women health issues. She has published research papers in competent medical journals and presented her work in over 25 national and international conferences. Dr. Swarna is also a trained labour doula under CAPPA, and is well known for her commitment to helping mothers have a safe and positive birthing experience.

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Dr. Paul Rafson Jani

MD (Anesthesiology), Dip (Critical Care Medicine) – Consultant

Dr. Paul Rafson Jani is a dedicated Anaesthetist and Intensivist. Throughout his medical career, he has focused tirelessly on critical care procedures such as intubation, extubation, central and peripheral venous cannulation, tracheostomy, intercostal tube insertion, and ultrasound-guided regional blocks, Dr. Paul ensures comprehensive care for patients in critical conditions. His work history reflects a hands-on approach to patient management, from recording medical histories to administering specialised treatments and creating individualised treatment plans. Dr. Paul excels in team collaboration, research, and training, ensuring the highest standards of care. With certifications in ACLS and BLS, he is dedicated to maintaining excellence in patient care and emergency response.

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Dr. Vinu Bharathi L

MBBS, MRCEM (UK) – Consultant

Dr. Vinu Bharathi Loganathan brings with her extensive experience from renowned institutions like Apollo First Med Hospitals and Karthik Hospitals, with a focus on diverse emergency cases. Dr. Loganathan excels in triage, assessment, and evidence-based treatment delivery. Her proficiency extends to procedural sedation, ICU management, and spearheading departments. Dr. Vinu Bharathi has been certified by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (U.K.) and holds a Diploma in Emergency Medicine. She actively contributes to medical education, conducting workshops and training sessions, and has trained over a hundred paramedics in ACLS and BLS. With certifications in ACLS, BLS, and PALS and fluency in English and Tamil, Dr. Vinu Bharathi embodies flexibility, positivity, and strong judgment, ensuring optimal patient care.

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Dr. Kavitha Gautham

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), FICOG, FIMSA – Senior Consultant

Dr. Kavitha Gautham holds an MBBS from Annamalai University, an MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Deemed University, and a Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from University Schleswing-Holstein, Germany.
With several years of expertise in gynaecological laparoscopy surgery, she has performed (approx.) 10,000 deliveries, 10,000 hystero-laparoscopy surgeries, and more than 5,000 IVF cycles to date. She is a Life Member of the European Society of Reproductive Medicine & Indian Society of Reproductive Medicine, All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Obstetric and Gynaecological Society of Southern India, Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India, and the Indian Medical Association. She is a Fellow from the Indian College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and International Medical Science Academy, and FIMSA.
Dr. Kavitha has been the recipient of several awards, including the prestigious J.L. Javeri Award (AICOG, 2005), Excellence in Healthcare – Infertility & IVF Treatments award (The Chennai City ICON Awards, 2019), WONDER FOGSIAN award (FOGSI, 2019).
Dr. Kavitha has also presented research papers at prestigious conferences including ISAR and IMSACON and has been published in esteemed journals such as the ‘Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research’.

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Dr. Aiswarya M. Nair

MBBS, MD (General Medicine) – Consultant

Dr. Aiswarya Nair is a dedicated and accomplished general medicine practitioner with a passion for improving patient care. She is a gold medalist MD graduate from the Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College. Prior to this, she earned her MBSS from Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital. With a career spanning over a decade, Dr. Aiswarya Nair has held various academic and clinical positions, including that of Assistant Professor of General Medicine at Dr. Somervell Memorial Medical College and Hospital, and currently as Associate Professor at Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital, Chennai. Her research contributions include publications on topics such as ‘Infection in the elderly’ and ‘Severe sepsis-related acute kidney injury’. Driven by a commitment to excellence, Dr. Nair seeks to leverage her expertise as a physician, aiming to enhance patient outcomes and contribute positively to the healthcare community.

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