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Gestational Diabetes – I

Gestational Diabetes: A Health Risk for Mom and Baby (PART 1)

Pregnancies are seen as nature’s miracle – more so when a child is conceived after a long wait. So, it is natural that we celebrate the news about pregnancy and the pregnancy journey in every way we can. Eating becomes even more exciting, as we are now eating for the little one as well. I experienced this feeling during my own pregnancies. I treated myself to lot of sweets and snacks almost every day!
However, even as you enjoy all your preferred foods, it is good to keep a watch on the nutritional profile of your meals. This is because pregnant women are vulnerable to developing ‘gestational diabetes’ – a condition that occurs when the body’s sugar levels run high.
If left unchecked or untreated, gestational diabetes can affect both the mother and child. Moreover, while gestational diabetes generally tends to ‘go away’ after delivery, some women are likely to develop it later in their lives. The diabetic condition may also be ‘transferred’ to the foetus. Hence it is critical to screen for gestational diabetes and take the necessary steps to control the condition at the earliest.
So, how do we screen for gestational diabetes? And what should an expecting mother do if diagnosed with gestational diabetes? I shall address all this in the next article.
(PS: Please don’t get worried. Gestational diabetes is treatable. We doctors are here to help you have a safe and healthy pregnancy, so be rest assured you are in good hands.)