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National Doctors Day (July 1)

On National Doctors Day (July 1), we salute doctors for their selfless service. The sacrifices they have made, and continue to make, during the COVID pandemic are immeasurable. 

“We experience moments of bliss when we see a new mother’s tears of joy as she holds her baby for the first time. An immense sense of gratification engulfed us all when we were able to help a mother who was COVID-positive have a healthy and successful delivery. Life does not pause because of a pandemic or lockdown – and neither can we!”

– Dr. Kavitha Gautham, Fertility Expert & Gyneacologist

“Adults can tolerate any pain or health issue – they are able to understand the problem and handle it well. If even a small thing affects their child, they panic. During COVID, more than treating the physical symptoms, we had to handle the parents’ fear and worries about infecting their children. We had to constantly reassure them that their children can be treated and made to recover, even if they were infected.” 

– Dr. Balakumaran, Paediatrician

“The second wave of COVID did not follow any patterns from the previous year. It was more a tsunami than a wave! For all doctors working during COVID, it was literally a 24/7 shift, and we were drained physically and emotionally. We felt each and every patient’s pain when we were treating them. Each recovery was cause for celebration! When patients who have recovered come back and tell us they are doing well, the happiness we feel is immense!” 

– Dr. Vikram Prabhu, Anesthesiologist

“In ‘normal’ times, patients who are admitted in the hospital have at least a family member or friend by their side. Patients affected by COVID were all alone through the treatment and isolation period. We were their doctor, their friend and their link to their family members (especially when it came to updating the family about their health and progress). This experience impressed upon us that ‘medicine’ is not restricted to pills and injections but encompasses understanding and empathy for everyone we serve.” 

– Dr. Rashika and Dr. Sowbakya, Duty Doctors