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Pregnancy in late 30s

What to Expect When You Are Expecting After 35

Harini (name changed) got married when she was 30. Her partner and she work in the IT sector, and often handle night shifts. Time flew by as they both worked together to handle the demanding schedules of work and the task of running a home. Now, Harini is close to 35, and the couple have decided that they are ready to plan for a family. Harini is well aware that she is in the Advanced Maternal Age (known as AMA), and wanted guidance to ensure her pregnancy is a safe and healthy one.

Like Harini, many women today are choosing to have their first child at a later age. The reasons for such a decision could be due to medical conditions, a desire for better career or financial stability, or for deeply personal reasons. Whatever the reason, there are some key factors we must keep in mind when we are talking about pregnancies at a later age.

Egg Health: As a woman grows older, the quality of her eggs naturally begin to decline. Studies have pointed out that Indian women’s eggs tend to ‘age’ faster when compared to Western women. This is one of many reasons why Indian women who are having their first child in their late 30s face a slightly higher risk of a miscarriage in the first trimester.

Gestational Diabetes and Blood Pressure: After the first trimester, we have to look out for gestational diabetes and gestation-induced hypertension. These are common risks during advanced maternal age pregnancies, and may cause complications.

Weight Gain and Birthing: It is critical that, during pregnancy, the mum-to-be keeps a sharp watch on her weight. Excess weight gain can cause insulin resistance and blood pressure, and lead to physical complications at the time of delivery.

However, these are issues that can be very easily managed and resolved.
Diet-wise, eat plenty of vegetables, lean meat and fruit. This is important to ensure that your baby gets all the necessary nutrients for healthy development. Avoid foods that are high in starch, sugar, salt or saturated fats. For exercise, you can join a pre-natal exercise class, where they will guide you on how to keep yourself fit and active without putting undue pressure on your body and while preserving the well-being of the baby. At home and work, try and keep stress levels to a minimum. And be sure to keep your doctor in the loop at all times – we are here to help and guide you through the pregnancy journey.

At whichever age you may choose to become a mother, it is an experience to be cherished. Enjoy every moment of it!