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Reproductive Medicine & Sexual Medicine

What is the Difference?

Recently, a young couple came to see me. They were in their late 20s and had been married for two years. Despite several attempts, they had failed to conceive a child. Hence, they assumed that either one of them (or both) had some ‘physical issues’ that needed to be addressed.
Such a query is not uncommon, as many of us tend to view conception as the ‘given’ result of sexual intercourse. In other words, sexuality and reproduction are often assumed to be one and the same. In reality, they are like two separate peas in the same pod. So, how are they different?
Reproductive medicine has a specific outcome – successful conception and pregnancy. On the other hand, sexual health goes beyond that. Sexuality (or the expression of sexuality) begins with a couple’s understanding of each other’s sexual behaviour and comfort. While conception is not the main focus in sexual medicine, the safe, comfortable expression and experience of sexuality is what will eventually lead to reproduction. In other words, sexual health ‘comes’ before reproductive health.
As fertility experts, we find that a deeper understanding of a couple’s sexual health and mutual sexual chemistry (including frequency of intercourse, ease and comfort and so on) is helpful in narrowing down the type of assistance needed.
Sexual health requires time, empathy and effort from both partners. We doctors are on hand to guide you with the right knowledge, therapy and support to address any issues you may have. So, reach out to us without worry or hesitation – the first step is all you have to take.
P.S: The young couple I spoke about at the start of this piece went for sexual counselling together. They are now expecting their first child – and I am as eager as they are to see their little one!