Pain and Natural Delivery

Is the pain of labour really worth it to have a natural delivery?
Whenever I mention the term ‘natural delivery’, this is the first question that comes up – be it from my patients, friends or even family members.
Before I go on, let me explain what ‘natural delivery’ or ‘natural birthing’ means.
A ‘natural birth’ is one wherein the mother goes into labour, progresses on her own, and the delivery takes place without any form of medical intervention. This means no administration of epidural or painkillers, no use of medicines to induce labour, or use of means like episiotomy, or instruments to deliver the baby. In this context, it is only after the baby is delivered that we can confirm whether it was a ‘natural birth’.
At any point, if the patient chooses to taken painkillers, or if there is a medical need that necessitates an intervention (even if it is minimal), we will refer to it as a ‘normal delivery’ – i.e., a vaginal delivery but one that is not completely ‘natural’.
Understanding the ‘pain’ of labour
Giving birth is a natural process – driven by our body’s innate intelligence. When the woman is ready to give birth, her cervix softens. Contractions begin to take place and become more and more noticeable, as the baby begins to settle into the pelvis. The contractions become stronger, the cervix stretches and opens, and the baby moves lower and rotates, eventually moving down the birth canal.
The contractions signal the progress of labour – and the approaching birth of your child. The pain signals to the brain to release a hormone known as oxytocin, which helps soothe the pain and relax the mother. This becomes a cycle, with the body and brain working hand-in-hand through the labour process. When the pain of contractions increases, the brain releases more oxytocin – thereby helping the body to move towards more, harder contractions.
Thus the pain of labour is not to be feared, but embraced – it acts as a guide for the body to guide the process of delivery, leading up to the moment when a new life emerges into this world.
Embracing nature’s design
We have to understand that not all women who opt for a natural birth may end up having one. Medical conditions and unexpected issues that arise during the pregnancy term and even during labour may necessitate medical interventions. This may lead to a normal delivery or a C-section, depending on which option will best help keep up the safety and health of the mother and child.
However, rather than focus on the impending result, we should approach natural birthing as an overall process that allows us to align ourselves with nature’s design. Through preparation for natural delivery, we become deeply aware of the great potential of our bodies and minds – and become equipped to draw on them in the time of need. More importantly, the entire experience becomes one wherein the mother-to-be is intimately connected with the process of pregnancy as it unfolds and deeply bonds with her child.
Natural delivery is not a mother’s journey alone
It is important to understand that we do not leave the woman to handle the process entirely on her own. From Day 1, a team of doctors assess her health, fitness levels, medical case history, emotional frame of mind, etc. and then work with her to prepare her sufficiently for natural birthing.
From helping her to move towards better health and fitness levels, teaching her ways to handle her emotional state, equipping her with pain-management techniques and being with her through the delivery, a team of medical professionals will help the mother-to-be at every stage of her pregnancy and delivery.
Ultimately, our aim is to help every mother to have a positive and happy birthing experience – just the way nature intended.